Once you are logged into Postdata, you can toggle between multiple workspaces to organize your workflow.

You can choose between your workspace titled “Personal Workspace” or create a workspace for your teams so that you can collaborate.

Currently, organizing requests across multiple shared workspaces is limited to RESTful protocol. GraphQL and Realtime APIs are available only in the personal workspace and are not supported for collaboration in shared workspaces.

Create a workspace

To create a workspace, click on the ”+” icon on the top right corner of the workspace switcher. Alternatively, you can also click on the “Create new workspace” button on the “Profile” page under the “Workspaces” section.

Creating a workspace makes you the owner of the workspace. You can invite other users to the workspace and assign them roles.

Invite users to a workspace

To invite users to a workspace, click on the “Invite” button and enter the email address of the user you want to invite. You can invite multiple users at once by adding the email addresses in the input field entries.

Switch between workspaces

To switch between workspaces, click on the workspace switcher in the top right corner of the app and select the workspace you want to switch to.

Edit a workspace

You can only edit a workspace if you are the owner of the workspace.

Rename a workspace

To rename a workspace, click on the workspace settings button on the top right corner of the app. Then click on the workspace name and enter the new name.

Remove a user from a workspace

To remove a user from a workspace, click on the workspace settings button on the top right corner of the app. Then click on the “Delete” button on the user you want to remove from the workspace.

Leave a workspace

To leave a workspace, click on the workspace settings button on the top right corner of the app. Then click on the “Delete” button on the workspace you want to leave.

You can only leave a workspace if you are not the owner of the workspace. If you are the owner of the workspace, you will have to delete the workspace to leave it. Alternatively, you can also transfer the ownership of the workspace to another user and then leave the workspace.

Change member role

There are three types of roles for members in a workspace:

  • Owner: The owner of the workspace has full access to the workspace and can invite other users to the workspace. The owner can also delete the workspace.
  • Editor: The editor of the workspace has edit access to the workspace and can create, edit, and delete collections, environments, and requests in the workspace.
  • Viewer: The viewer of the workspace has read-only access to the workspace and can only view the collections, environments, and requests in the workspace.

To change the role of a member in a workspace, click on the workspace settings button on the top right corner of the app. Then click on the “Role” drop-down on the user you want to change the role of. Then select the role you want to assign to the user then click “Save”.

Delete a workspace

To delete a workspace, click on the “Delete” button on the workspace you want to delete on the “Profile” page under the “Workspaces” section.